Our humanitarian values

© Livia Saavedra

Volunteers and paid staff at Médecins du Monde have a shared commitment to solidarity. Our human resources policy offers you the opportunity to put these values into practice as you work with us.

Médecins du Monde is an activist organisation committed to combating all forms of discrimination and promoting professional equality and diversity. We also seek to ensure that people living with disabilities have the opportunity to work in a positive professional environment.

We treat everyone we work with equally, irrespective of status or nationality, and are committed to integration, career support and skills development.

Gender equality index at Médecins du Monde: 94/100

© Arnaud Finistre

Lebanon, 2020


We strive to ensure that everyone can take part in the life of our organisation in accordance with their interests, availability, skills and professional background. As a humanitarian campaigning organisation, we offer different ways for you to engage fully with our work, including as a volunteer or paid staff member, in France or internationally, as part of our humanitarian programmes, as an International Solidarity Volunteer or through a humanitarian internship.


Our wide variety of humanitarian projects provide plenty of opportunities for professional mobility.

Our managers and human resources team are involved in developing the potential of all our members and will support you with your career plans. With a view to professional development, you can access training to acquire and develop the skills needed to implement the organisation’s programmes. Apart from individual training, we also offer group training courses at our headquarters and in the different countries in which we are engaged in humanitarian work.

© Sébastien Duijndam

Myanmar, 2018


We have a protection policy in place to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, harassment and abuse of authority and to take action against anyone who breaches it. The policy represents a key element of our organisation’s commitment to quality in our activities in France and internationally.

We are committed to protecting children and vulnerable adults from harm, abuse and exploitation. We have procedures and practices in place to protect all children and vulnerable adults who come into contact with our organisation. These procedures apply to anyone who represents Médecins du Monde in any capacity.


We expect everyone involved in Médecins du Monde to conduct themselves in a way that reflects the organisation’s commitment to comply with anti-fraud and anti-corruption rules and regulations and to avoid any risk of conflicts of interest. We will take action against anyone who engages in any kind of corruption or in conduct that goes against the principles of our anti-fraud and anti-corruption policy.

